Monday, May 23, 2022

Ruth 2:1-13

Love at First Site

Marriage is a gift from GOD, but it's certainly not the only gift that comes from HIM. When we look at the day Ruth and Boaz were allowed to meet one another, what we learn from that will apply to all the gifts God gives us. If God wanted to give you stewardship of some important resource of his, how would he go about giving you that gift? If God wanted to give you a good friend who would be part of your life and you part of theirs, how would he go about giving you that gift? If God wanted to call you into a ministry of significant influence on people's lives, how would he go about giving you that gift? In seeing how Ruth and Boaz were given the gift of each other, you will learn something about the way God gives all the other kinds of gifts that he gives.

  • (Ruth 2:1-3) At this time Naomi is living the life of a bitter person

    1. Naomi doesn't pray for blessings on Ruth she just says “Go my daughter”

    2. God's wealthfare program was gleaning, (Deuteronomy 24:19-2)

    3. God wanted man to work for a living, even when He sent mana they had to gather it daily

      1. This why Paul told the Thessalonians“If a man will not work he shall not eat”

      2. Today we make men lazy and destroy whole communities by not requiring people to work, which is a result of greedy men not caring for the needy on their own

    4. Of all the fields that Ruth could have chosen, she chose the one Boaz owns

      1. Coincidence? Bethlehem “breadbasket” had many fields for Ruth to choose from

        1. We learn from Proverbs, that when your heart is with GOD, HE will give you direction (Proverb 16:9)

      2. Ruth had a heart that led her to the true God, now the True God has guiding her to the man HE has prepared for her

        1. When we do what is right in God's eyes, God will be on our side

        2. When we wait on the LORD, HE will bring us what HE wants us to have

        3. Long before we meet our mate, GOD was working on them

        4. All we need to do, is do what is right in HIS eyes, and HE will bless us

    5. This was during the time of Judges, the 'dark Ages of Israel's history (Judges 21:25)

  • (Ruth 2:4) Now Boaz shows up to check up on the harvesting

    1. Boaz means,

      1. “Strength is within me”

      2.  “In him is strength”

    2. Boaz and his workers show respect for each other by blessing each other

      1. Window into why Boaz was such a wealthy man, God blesses those who are godly

      2. I've worked many places where God's name was used, but not in this way (God's name in Vain)

  • (Ruth 2:5-7) Boaz see's Ruth for the first time, and inquires of Ruth

    1. Back in (Ruth 2:1) we get a glimpse into God's plan for Ruth's future 

    2. His actions tell me this very well could have been love at first site

      1. Adam, fell for Eve the instant he saw her, saying (Genesis 2:23)

        1. Boaz could have had the same as Adam towards Ruth 

      2. Which is the same feeling Jacob had when he first met Racheal

      3. Maybe GOD put it in his heart to fall in love with her

        1. GOD did this to Samson with the Philistine woman (Judghes 14:1-4)

      4. I imagine it was the same feeling I had the first time I met my wife

      5. From here forward Boaz does everything all good men should do

  • (Ruth 2: 8- 9) Boaz tells her to stay on his field to glean

    1.  This is similar to what God tells us

      1. Do not go after other Gods but stay near to me

      2. I have commanded Satan not to touch you

    2. He tells her to drink water from vessels filled by his men when thirsty

      1. GOD tells us to drink from the well of HIS living water Christ Jesus

  • (Ruth 2:10-11) Bowing, Ruth asks why He is so kind to a lowly foreigner like as her

    1. Throughout the Scriptures we read where people fall down to honor someone of good standing

      1. An Eastern custom that is still honored today in some countries

    2. Ruth was not wealthy, but she did sacrifice all and followed Naomi

      1. In doing so she received blessings from the LORD

    3. In Matthew 19:16-26 A rich man asks Jesus what he must do to have eternal life 

      1. Jesus says to keep the commandments

        1. The man says all this he has done

      2. Jesus then tells him to sell all he has and give it to the poor and follow Him

        1. The man left feeling very sorrowful, because was very wealthy

      3. Jesus then said it is easier for a camel to go through eye of needle then a rich man into heaven

  • (Ruth 2:12) Wings are used throughout Scriptures as a metaphor of God's protection

    1. This reminds me of when Jesus wept as he rode towards Jerusalem. (Matthew 23:37) 

    2. If only the Pharisees would have became chicks and nestled under under His wings

      1. Like the apostles and all others who came to worship Him

      2. Then they too would have received salvation

      3. Jerusalem would have been spared

      4. But they would not humble themselves

      5. They wanted what this world had to offer

      6. Like Orpah who returned to Moab and its idols, 

    3. God desires for us all to put aside our pride, humble ourselves and accept His guidance

      1. Like Boaz who humbles himself before his workers by showing them respect

      2. God wants us to put our pride aside

        1. Like Ruth, when she left her old life behind and set her heart on the true and living God

        2. The living God will guide our footsteps

    4. When we give that which God gave us, back to Him

      1. Blessings will always reign down on us from heaven

      2. Ruth was about to receive bountiful blessings from God through Boaz and she knew it

  • (Ruth 2:13) Her response to Boaz was one of humility and gratitude

    1. She acknowledges her own unworthiness and accepts his grace

    2. Ruth was going to put her trust and faith in his promise

    3. She would not worry about, nore look back at her troubles

    4. Jesus tells us He will give us rest (Matthew 28:30)

    5. We just need to have faith and “Fix our eyes on Jesus” As Ruth did with Boaz

    6. Do you all have faith in Jesus? If not then open your heart and let Him in today,


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